Data Dashboard Scavenger Hunt Version II

FCPS Data Central

Treasure Hunt


  1. Explore the dashboards and metrics in order to become familiar with the Data Warehouse.
  2. Learn how to utilize Data Warehouse filters.
  3. Start to think about how to use the Data Warehouse for planning and daily work.


In groups of 2-3, work through the below items by moving through the data warehouse.

NOTE: Select one school to work in for this activity if you are a district staff or working in a cross-school team.

Summary Dashboard

What is the current total enrollment for your school?

How many students are enrolled in the LOWEST grade level in your school?

(BONUS- there are multiple ways to get this information - what are they?)

What grade level has the highest number of Special Education students? (Remember to clear your filters after this!)

How many incidents have there been so far this year?

Which week had the highest number of incidents?

Attendance Dashboards

Attendance Overview

Which year and instructional week had the lowest weekly attendance for the last 3 years? (Hint: hover over the points on the line graph for more accurate information)

Is your school’s attendance trending up or down over the past 5 years?

What does that trend look like for Hispanic students? (Remember to clear your filters after this!)

Which ethnic group has the lowest attendance rate this school year?

Attendance Analysis

Which day of the week has the highest number of absences this year?

Which attendance reason was used most in the past year?

Which grade level has the highest number of absences?

PBIS Dashboards

PBIS Overview

Which day of the week had the highest # of disciplinary incidents (in- and out-school)?

Which location besides classrooms had the highest number of incidents this past year?

How many bullying incidents occurred at your school each of the past 3 years?

Behavioral Incident Analysis

In 2016-2017, where there any grade levels that had significantly higher numbers of incidents (‘significantly’ = use your judgement for your school to define this)?

In 2016-2017, which 2 discipline reasons had the highest occurrences?  Does this surprise you?

Assessment Dashboards


What % of your students were in the 60-69th percentile band in MAP Math in 2016-2017?

For the highest grade level at your school, what percent of students met the growth target in MAP Math from fall to spring?

Early Warning Dashboards

Student EW

How many students are High Risk for ‘student attendance’?  For ‘long term ELL’?

How many ELL students are at risk? (Remember to clear your filters after this!)

Cross Domain

How many students are high risk for both school mobility AND home address changes?