Data Dashboard Scavenger Hunt Version I

Tips for Using Data Dashboard

  1. (We recommend you bookmark this on your toolbar for easy access).
  2. You can filter much of the information, but you have to be sure to reset your filters each time you change them to prevent inaccurate data.

                                                              Data Dashboard Scavenger Hunt

  1. There are 5 user tabs on the home page of the dashboard.  Which tab will take you to your school scorecard?____________________
  2. Which tab would you search to discover students who have risk factors?________ Choose one of your students and list their risk factors.  ________________________
  3. What was your average daily attendance year to date?_________________
  4. How many students with the following labels (Female, Disabilities, and EL) do you have identified with risk factors?_____________________
  5. How many behavior events did you have last year at instructional week 32?______
  6. Using the Student Search tab, identify one student (male, with disabilities, EL) in the 3rd  What is his name?_________________________
  7. Go to your school scorecard:
  8. How many domains will you be accountable for this school year?_____________
  9. What is your target for MAP growth for all students in the 3rd grade in mathematics?___________ How much gain will you need to make in order to reach target?_____
  10. What is your target for staff attendance? _________  How much gain will you need to make to reach your target?___________
  11. For week 22, was your attendance higher during 2016-17 or 2017-18?_____________
  12. How many behavior events did you have last year at instructional week 32?______
  13. What percentage of students is labeled developing on the ACCESS assessment for 2016-17?__________
